
Sunday, May 26, 2019

New Zealand dinosaurs

New Zealand  dinosaurs
more than 150 million years ago.but for a long time scientists thought that no dinos These  dinosaurs a huge Animals   rule the world  foreurs had ever lived in New Zealand.  Then, in 1975 something happend to change their minds.

What were  dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs were REPTILES  that lived many millions years ago long before humans lived on Earth.  Many dinosaurs were enormous. The name dinosaur means  terrible lizard’ skulls don’t have these holes.

What happened to the  dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs became stink about  66 million years ago.
there are many ideas about what they disappear but nobody else completely show most scientists think that the  dinosaurs all died after a large asteroid crach dinto Earth from space

What did I do Wong in this?

Don't give a stranger your Public or private information

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

what is my digital footprint

                                                    I completed the Manaiakalani
                      what i liked about it was the Qeuistion. what i did not like about it was i did not learn                              more. if i was to do it again i wold not change

Thursday, May 2, 2019