
Friday, November 19, 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021



This week during lock - down I have been working on my prototec 

here is my score, next time I will be working on stage 7.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Writing-explanation || Lock-down Writing || Term 3 || 2021

 I am looking forward to coming out of lock-down, knowing that we New Zealanders would all reunite with our friends, teachers, and co-workers I also really want to get out of lock-down because we can finally go out to parks, going out for long walks without wearing masks, and getting to

have Take-always for lunch and dinner  I think going back to school and work  will put adults back on track, because many employees, and companies get bankrupt because it causes concerts and many other social event to be cancelled by the cause of lock-down. It has 

also caused employees to lose their jobs because they won’t be able to get paid enough, because of that they lose their jobs. 

Sacrament Strand || The Seven Sacraments


During lock-down, for R.E we learn't about the Seven Sacraments,and the meanings

of them. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Apirana Ngata ll DLO screen cast

For Maori langue  week I have been learning about Apirana Ngata and have done a 
DLO and made a screen-cast 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Character Study Mrs Fox


For reading I have been reading a book called Fantastic Mr Fox, here is my 


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Multiplication Problems

During lock-down I am learning to use multiplication to solve problems 
for example  15 x 26 =? what I would do is use the 10 from 15 and times it with the 
26 = 10 x 26 = 260 I know that because 10 x 20 = 200 + 60 = 260 
then I use the 5 from the 15 times it once again with the 26  so
5 x 26 =? what I would do is 5 x 6 = 30 then 5 x 20 = 100 because 5 x 10 = 50 
so 260 + 130 = 390 so their for 15 x 26 = 390 
tell me would you use multiplication to solve problems? 
also here is an update of my multiplication problems

we are learning to solve problems with multiplication!.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Science investigation: Pulse Rate


Today in science class we are learning to Investigate the effect of different

types of physical activity on heart Rate.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Ko wai au?


Ko wai au? who am I?

Sea boat ll challenge 8

Today I have done challenge 8 hope you like the anime I have done with my 
boat, sadly this week is not challenge eight, it is challenge eleven, or twelve 
sorry for the wait up on challenge 8.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Topic 8:Acids & Bases ll Term 3


Background: It is important for you to understand

the basics of pH before beginning this topic.

Here are some questions you may want to discuss before getting started.

  • What is pH?

  • How do you measure pH?You can use litmus paper.

  • What is the scale pH is measured on?

  • What pH level does water have? Is water acidic, basic, or neutral?

  • What is the most basic pH level?14 

Notes about Acids & Bases:

If liquids have so much Hydroxide it is an Acid

H 30 H pH scale only has 0-14 

Orange, grapes, and lemon had different acids

1.Tooth base

2.baking soda



5.Lemon juice






Amie or Purpose:Test the pH levels in

different household products.

Equipment: Well plate, pH strips/litmus

paper, pH chart/table,Dropper


Baking soda 

Distilled water

Window cleaner

Toilet bowl cleaner

Lemon juice 


Orange Juice 

Apple juice 




Recorde your litmus test for household substances 

Red litmus paper=Acid

Blue litmus paper= base




Colour changes from?

(Litmus paper is Blue )











Lemon Juice 




Apple Juice




Orange Juice




Window cleaner




Toilet cleaner




Distilled Water












Baking Soda






Traditional prayer- Our Father

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Topic 7: Osmosis and Transpiration.

Topic 7: Osmosis and Transpiration.

Task 1 

Photosynthesis - Food

Co2 + H20 Sunlight Sugar + o2 

Source of carbon - humans & animals 

Roots absorb water

Phloem is a special type of cell to distribute food/sugar to different parts of a plant. 

Stoma are tiny pores on leaves to help absorb Co2 

Celery & Food Colouring Experiment:

See water movement from roots to the leaves through xylem. 

Supplies for experiment:

  1. Celery

  2. Water

  3. Conical flask

  4. Food Colouring


Fill a Conical Flask with approximately 200 mls of water.

Then taking any food colouring of your choice and adding 10 drops to the conical flask filled with water. You then take 2 pieces of celery, cut equally and add to your conical flask and stir, then take a clear plastic bag and wrap it around the leaf, then you twist it using a twist tie.


What I am going to see as an outcome from this experiment is hopefully the xylem by the water moving to the leaf.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Topic 2:Science Exploration ll Term 2

In class we were learning the basic equipment of science, one fun fact, did you know that the liquid that is in the temperature needle or stick, if one single drop falls in your mouth you will automatically die on the spot.

Topic 5: Flower Power!

Today in Tech we were learning how to dissect a flower, and to learn all the names and what parts they come from. when we were given our plants we put the flower on the cutting board 

Cut the straight line on through the flower and see the style.

We see all the parts then with help of toothpick, we see the pollen tube here is the's link of the clip we watched in tech.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Book Review


In class we are retelling the books that we've red,
and what we've liked in the book.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Fairest of all


We are learning to find a love of reading.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What are plants?


Today in  class we are learning facts

about fact Enjoy 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Saint Benedict of Nursia


We chose St Benedict as our Whanau (Ainga, Kaigna, Angai, Family) name because

We also chose him because we want to be the saint that he is.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Mothers day poem

Today in class we are all writing acrostic poems,
 here is my activity.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Clock face

 Today, my class and I are working on analogue clock, there is a minute arrow, second arrow, and lastly an hour arrow. here is my learning about maths.

I can read analogue time by using arrows, and 
using my 5 time tables, here is my analogue 

we are learning to read analogue time

Today I have been working on my cybersmart challenge, Here is my creative fish's.

We are learning to use google drawing more confidently, and constantly.

Do you know how to use google drawing. 

Having a tidy drive. Challenge 6

  we are learning to keep our documents named and our files correctly in the right place at the right time.

Having a tidy drive is one of the most important's for having a netbook, 

My Chromebook challenge 5


we are learning to use our Chromebooks webcam to take pictures and videos.
challenge 5, webcam, webcam is used to take photos and many other things but in cybersmart we use webcam for screenshot, editing, and crop. 

                                    Do you know anything about webcam?

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Journey through holy week DLO


we are learning to have an understanding for holy week 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Story of Rahitūtakahina and Tīarakurapakewai

today in class we are learning the background the story of RahitÅ«takahina  and TÄ«arakurapakewai
here is my work enjoy 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday, March 7, 2021

What I like in my life.

Today, this whole week we have been work on art and for this 

art we have been thinking back on what we've liked in life

here is what I like in life, tell me what do you like in life?

I look forward to seeing the comments,

Cybersmart kawa of care

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why school is very important to kids education.

    Why school is very important to kids education.

  • School is very important to kids because its like opening a new chapter in your life for a better future.

  • school is important for kids careers and jobs,  because without school and learning there won’t be a planed future ahead of you.

  • school is important because you learn how to respect, have manners, and be responsible for your doings.

  • school is important because learning helps connect with changing lives and making better choices.

“Sometimes I think why is school important to kids like me?”

I think that school is important to kids because its like opening  a new chapter in learning and having a better understanding in 


Secondly I think that school is important for kids career and jobs because without school and learning there won’t be anything planed for you in the future.

Thirdly I think that school is important because kids need to learn

How to show respect, have manners, and being responsible for 

Your doings.

Lastly I think that school is important because learning helps connect with changing lives and making better learning choices

In school.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Treaty of waitangi

An admirable person.

An admirable person is someone who I look up to in life.

Firstly I admire my mum because she helps me understand the things I don’t understand in life, she makes sure that my siblings and I are okay.

Secondly I admire my mum because she makes me laugh everyday no matter what, she would make me laugh when I make one mistake and make me laugh day and night.

Thirdly I admire my mum because she always she cares about my siblings and I through the bad times and the good times.

Lastly I admire my mom because she always makes sure that we are all fed and makes sure that we are making good decision.

I thank you for listening to why I admire my mom

And tell me who do you admire?